Marc Harris picked up the electric guitar in 1978, a time when Tom Petty’s ‘Damn the Torpedoes’ hit the air waves along with “Some Girls”, and ZZ Top’s “Degüello”. These classics were recorded into Marc’s experience as a musician. He grew up in Nashville, and at an early age began playing with bands in clubs throughout high school. In the 90s Marc toured with Lee Roy Parnell , Stacy Dean Campbell, John Berry, Victoria Shaw, and Neil Thrasher.
Harris moved to Point Washington, Florida in 2001 where his songwriting flourished. Surrounded by the woods and away from the noise of his Music Row apartment, Marc had the freedom to develop his own Surfabilly sound. Harris’ songs echo some of the late 70’s classics.
Marc performs along 30A and around the south with his band the 70 Eights. The Athens Flagpole described his music as “guitar-strong modern rock”. Others have labeled Marc’s sound, Southern Surf.

Harris is also an accomplished Multimedia Producer, placing original music on E! TV, building Keith Urban’s 1st web portal and creating digital promotions for Kenny Rogers, DreamWorks and Arista Records.